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System Reports

System Reports

  • Employees’ Payroll Sheet

  • Totals of employees’ salaries within period

  • Employees’ Salaries documents within period

  • Suspended salaries within period

  • Employee’s Document Expiry

  • Recruitment needs report

  • Recruitment candidate report

  • Recruitment and Terminated employees report

  • Employees with expired contract report

  • Attendance plans list within period (per employee)

  • Time attendance list within period (per employee)

  • Performance indicators within period (per employee, branch, department, group)

  • List of missions within period (per employee, branch, department, group)

System Reports

  • Production requests within a period

  • Production orders within a period (Closed, terminated, initial, current)

  • Product receipts for a production order (many production orders) within a period

  • Product returns for a production order (many production orders) within a period

  • Product scraps for a production order (many production orders) within a period

  • Product executions for a production order (many production orders) within a period

  • Deviation percentage of actual products from planed products for a production order (for product receipts, co-products)

  • Deviation of raw materials from planned materials of a production order (or many production orders)

  • Required raw materials to produce a specific quantity of products

  • Raw materials issued to a production order (or many production orders) within a period

  • Raw materials returned to a production order (or many production orders) within a period

  • List of planned purchase orders within a period

  • List of defined scenarios

  • List of MRB Sales forecasting

  • List of planning raw materials documents

  • Deviation percentage of produced products from expected products within a period

System Reports

  • Commitment statement to the planned tasks within a period (per employee)

  • Statement of projects costs within the period according to actual working hours

  • Deviation statement of actual costs from planned costs

  • Statement of total invoices issued for a project(s) within a period

  • Statement of required tasks within a period (per employee)

  • Statement of executed tasks within a period (per employee, task type in terms of accepted or rejected)

  • Expenses issued within period (per expense item, customer, employee, project)

  • Expenses required within the period according to expenses requests

Analyze your work

Via projects management system, you can analyze all the project aspects in order to have information for all strengths and weaknesses. For example, the system provides indications for the extent of the staff’s commitment to implement their tasks; consequently, the tasks could be distributed according to the efficiency of each employee. EXCEED-ERP provides also indications for the needs of other resources to reduce the time required for the projects. Decision-makers can track the execution percentage for the required tasks and get information for the expected time to achieve these tasks.

Save your time and effort

Projects management system helps you to save time and effort as much as possible, where some projects are similar to a large extent. With EXCEED-ERP, you don’t have to re-plan this type of project and define its own stages; rather, you can clone complete projects with all their planning stages and tasks in order to use them directly. You can also clone special stages with the possibility of including their tasks. The system also provides a mechanism for the user to record any expenses related to his entrusted tasks, where the user can issue a request by his expenses to be approved or issue a project expense document directly.

EXCEED-ERP supports quick methods to collect invoices for a customer or many customers. Project management also supports the periodic invoices that are constantly repeated according to a periodic service provided by the enterprise.

Full integration with human resources system

The required tasks are performed by the employees that were defined in human resources system. The time recorded in the required tasks could be compared with the attendance time of the employee to discover any contradiction between them. You can also link the performed task by the employee salary, where the employee can receive the salary based on performed tasks according to any equations implemented by the enterprise. On the other hand, the evaluation system of human resources integrates with project management, where the employees could be evaluated according to the quality of their tasks.

Tracking required tasks

projects management system has been designed so as to monitor all required tasks by the managers, where after recording a task time, the employee can request approval from the direct manager which in turns evaluates this task according to its size and the recorded time compared with the planned time for the task. The manager can either accept this recorded time and consequently charge the project by its cost or reject this time to be corrected by the employee.

Tracking tasks could be adjusted either by displaying notifications in the system interface, sending emails or by SMS messages.

System Reports

  • List of project contracts within period

  • Raw material required for project contracts within period

  • Resources required for project contracts within period

  • List of projects about to be finish according to finished percentage

  • Project contract extracts for project(s) within period

  • Project contract executions for project(s) that have no extracts issued yet

  • Costs required for a project (According to contract assays, terms sheet, analysis card)

  • Measurement requests that have no assays document issued yet

Contracting price list

The contracting prices are atypical. In other words, if the price of a marble slab of dimensions (Meter * Meter) is 400 Riyals, for example, it does not mean that the price of dimensions (2 Meter * 2 Meter) is 1600 Riyals, where the prices usually differ according to the length of the area. You can also define the minimum length and minimum width for the price, therefore, EXCEED-ERP provides a contracting price list through which, you can define an infinite number of prices according to length, area, volume, and so on

Automated system for calculating Dues

Via contracting condition screen, you can define the payment in advance, insurance, warranty, and any other dues that related to the contract phases, where the calculation method is defined whether by addition or deduction in addition to linking it with the completion percentage, the end of contract, or with the final extract,…etc. You can also define a maximum value for the condition whether by value or percentage with the capability of modifying the condition value in addition to define the accounts and cost centers affected by the condition value. EXCEED-ERP collects all defined conditions in order to be applied on each extract, or the final extract according to what has been defined in the project contract.
